Models of Capitalism

Lectures will start  on March 8th

All lectures and exams will also be given at:

Lecture Links Academic Year 2021-22  


Lecture links academic year 2020-21

  The purpose of the course is to examine the characteristics of the different models of capitalism, focusing on both the national varieties of capitalism and the different historical stages of the capitalist  economy. We consider the relative advantages of the historical varieties of capitalism and the problems facing the modern global economy.

More in detail the course focuses on the following topics:

1)Capitalism and Scarcity

2)The Evolution of Property

3)Technology and Institutions

4)Institutional Complementarities and 5)Varieties of Capitalism

6)Divisions of Labor

7)Power and Wealth

8)Intellectual Monopoly Capitalism


Pagano U. (2007) Bounded Rationality and Institutionalism  In Hodgson G. ed. The Evolution of Economic Institutions: A Critical Reader. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham U. K. pp. 34-52 .

Pagano U. (2017) Property Possession and Knowledge.

Pagano U. (2007) Legal Positions and Institutional Complementarities In Cafaggi F. Nicita A. Pagano U. Legal Orderings and Economic Institutions. Routledge, London and New York  Routledge pp. 54-83.

Pagano U. (2007) Marx after New Institutional Economics.  Evolutionary and Institutional Economic Review.  V. 4 N. 7 pp. 27-55. 

Belloc M., Pagano U. (2009) Co-evolution of politics and corporate governance.  International Review of Law and Economics  v. 29 pp. 106-114.

Pagano U. (2013)  Technical Assets and Property Rights. In Grandori A.   Handbook of Economic Organization Edward Elgar

Pagano U. (2003) Nationalism, Development and Integration: the Political Economy of Ernest Gellner. Cambridge Journal of Economics  (Vol.27,  pp. 623 - 646 September  2003)

D'Antoni,  M., Pagano U. (2008) Cultural Diversity and Economic Solidarity. In Costabile L. ed.  Institutions for Social Well-Being. Palgrave-Macmillan, Basingstoke and New York pp. 198-221 (not necessary for this year)

Rodrik, D. (2011) The Globalization paradox: democracy and the future of the world economy. Norton, New York.

Pagano U. (2014) The Crisis of Intellectual Monopoly Capitalism. Cambridge Journal of Economics. Vol 38 pp. 1409-1429.

* In some cases, for copyright reasons, the downloadable version does not completely coincide with the final version indicated in the readings.